Review Critic

Natures Well Digest Well Review

Natures Well Digest Well for IBS Relief

What is Digest Well?

The following product review explores all the real facts about Natures Well Digest Well. The manufacturer claims that this product is Halal Certified and that its unique formula of natural pure carom seeds (Ajwain) will help with digestive issues such as indigestion, flatulence and Nausea. Due to some of its supplementary seeds – it has natural anti-inflammatory as well as healing properties. As a result, these types of seeds are effective in enhancing the digestion of food and combating bowel problems.


The product features a combination of items with the below active ingredients

Carom seed powder is a herb belonging to the cumin and parsley family and it has been used since ancient times for its culinary, aromatic and medicinal properties such as assisting with digestion health and it may also assist with pain. Ginger root has possible health benefits that include the relief of nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness, and pain.


The manufacturer advises that this product is mainly suitable for adults and that you should take up to 2 vegetarian-friendly capsules daily, preferably with a meal and as a dietary supplement. There seems to be no cautions or warnings advised which is worrying as thi would ensure that the product is used safely and so, we recommend that you should rather use this product with the professional instruction of a doctor especially because there may be side effects according to research.

What is the Cost?

The product can be purchased online and it is listed on the manufacturer’s website at $6.96 for a bottle that contains 60 vegetarian-friendly capsules which is a one month supply when used as directed by the manufacturer. There does not seem to be any discounted options available which are not too disappointing considering that this is a rather cheap product.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

The manufacturer does not offer a money back guarantee although, they do provide a 14-day refund policy for this product and it states that you may return damaged products for a full refund, minus any shipping costs. It is extremely disappointing that this policy does not seem to cover the effective results by allowing the refund of products that have been opened and used.

Our Final Review of Natures Well Digest Well

This product is one of the few that is Halal friendly and considering that this contains no gluten and is vegetarian safe, this seems like an okay product. Further inspection of Natures Well Digest Well shows that there is no manufacturer’s guarantee to ensure the claimed effective results and when noticing that it might be a bit too cheap, the quality standards could also be questioned. This product also has a lack of customer reviews and therefore, it is difficult to gauge the quality of this digestive aid and there is little to no evidence to prove that it is effective at all. In conclusion, we would recommend that you rather consider a product from a leading brand that has more confidence in their product.

What is Digest Well? The following product review explores all the real facts about Natures Well Digest Well. The manufacturer claims that this product is Halal Certified and that its unique formula of natural pure carom seeds (Ajwain) will help with digestive issues such as indigestion, flatulence and Nausea. Due…
Natures Well Digest Well Review
Natures Well Digest Well Review
Dylan Wingate BScPhm, RPh
- 6.5
- 6
- 7
- 6
- 5.5


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